Riding the bus for preschoolers can be both exciting and scary at the same time. For most children, it is the first time they are separated from their parents and getting into a vehicle with people they do not know. Here are some tips to make your children feel safe and secure while riding on the bus:
- Pick out clothes the night before and have them ready for the morning.
- Develop a morning routine:
- Wake up at a set time
- Get dressed
- Brush teeth
- Allow enough time for children, so you do not feel rushed
- Talk about their routine at school:
- Breakfast
- Sing songs
- Play with their friends
- Eat lunch
- Play on the playground
- Read a book
- Snack
- Return home
- Reassure them that you will be waiting for them when they return from school.
- Let them have a picture of the two of you in their coat pocket for reassurance.
- Talk to your child about what will happen when they get home from school.
In addition to reassuring children that they will have fun while they are at school, you also need to remind them about being safe. Review and practice these safety tips for the bus:
- Hold your child’s hand when walking to the bus.
- Wait your turn to get on the bus.
- Use the handrail when getting on the bus.
- Go to your seat, and begin to buckle.
- Use your inside voice to talk to your friends.
- Listen to the teacher and bus driver on the bus.
Utilizing these simple suggestions will help you and your child have a magical preschool experience, both on the bus and in the classroom.